The Dutch online travel reservations service will be warning customers away from staying in Judea and Samaria. In a statement to Ynet, the company said, “Certain areas affected by conflict may pose a greater risk to travelers, so we provide our customers with information that helps them make decisions and encourage them to check their government’s official travel guidelines as part of the decision-making process.”
The warning will appear next to listings located in Jewish towns in these areas, a part of the ancient land of Israel, Jewish indigenous territory. Boycotting Jewish businesses is, by the way, antisemitic according to the official IHRA definition of antisemitism. To be published tomorrow, the text of the warning tells visitors to the website that “A visit to this area may be accompanied by an increased risk to safety, human rights and other risks to guests and the local community,” the text will say.
Naturally, no such warning appears next to Arab accommodations in the same vicinity.