Category: antisemitism


Jamaal Bowman’s Political Career is Dead–Long Live George Latimer

George Latimer

George Latimer, in a bit of happy news in an otherwise upsetting news cycle, claimed victory over Jamaal Bowman in the New York primaries. That’s after Bowman went completely cuckoo, cursing and shouting at AIPAC, Israel, and just Jews in general. After October 7, it just got worse and worse, until it became clear that …

American Jewry, antisemitism

Staten Island Jewish Man Battered with Metal Bat

Staten Island metal bat perpetrator beat jewish man antisemite

On Monday, a Jewish resident of Staten Island was beaten over the head with a metal bat. The resident, a man, was standing in front of 475 Grandview Avenue, when a man came up to him, called him “dirty Jew” and whacked him upside the head with the bat. As yet unnamed, the victim …

antisemitism, Israel, Terror

88 Percent of the Arab World Approves of the Atrocities of 10/7

Screenshot 2024-01-24 133225 France 24

Did you think that the Abraham Accords meant support for Israel in at least some of the Arab world? Think again. According to Elder of Ziyon, 88 percent of the Arab world thinks that the acts of 10/7 were “legitimate.” The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies released the results of a survey of …

antisemitism, campus

Sally Kornbluth Watches October 7th Footage

Zaka collects remains at the scene on Kibbutz Beeri after October 7

Sally Kornbluth, president of MIT, sat through a 47-minute special screening of a film that shows the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. Kornbluth has been facing heavy criticism for her performance during a recent congressional hearing in which she refused to say that calls for genocide of the Jewish people amounts to harassment. …

antisemitism, campus

University Presidents Say Context Matters When it Comes to Calls for Genocide

liz macgill Upenn elise stefanik hearing on antisemitism

University presidents play a crucial role in shaping the academic environment and fostering a culture of open dialogue and critical thinking. Therefore, it is essential that they address sensitive topics, such as calls for genocide, with utmost care and consideration. As opposed to the recent statements by the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and UPenn, there …


Resolution on Antisemitism by House of Representatives


On Tuesday, the House of Representatives, led by Jerrold Nadler, Daniel Goldman, and Jamie Raskin, introduced a resolution condemning the sharp rise in antisemitism and antisemitic incidents in the wake of the October 7th massacre in Israel. The resolution, H. Res. ll, states, “Whereas there is an alarming rise in antisemitism in the United States, …

antisemitism, Israel, Quality of Jewish Life

Restaurants Not Immune to Antisemitism

Caffe Aronne

November 8th, one month after the October 7 Hamas massacre of innocent Israeli men, women, and children, five anti-Israel employees staged a walkout at a Jewish-owned cafe in Manhattan, Caffé Aronne. As in many places around the world, the hate isn’t directed solely at Israel, but specifically at Jews. If you ask the employees why …

antisemitism, Israel, Terror

US-Funded Palestinian School Celebrates Synagogue Terror Attack


A USAID celebrated a January 27th terror attack in which 7 worshipers were murdered as they left a Jerusalem signagogue. The Omariya Secondary School for Girls in Qalqilya gathered to celebrate Alqam Kharyi, the terrorist responsible for slaying Jews because they were Jews. The school announced the event on Facebook with a flier referring to …