antisemitism, Israel, Jewish pride

City of David: Deniers Deny Jewish Connection to Jerusalem Only Because of Politics

Pete Hegseth Ir David (City of David, Jerusalem)

Denying that the Jewish people were sovereign in Jerusalem before the birth of the other two major world religions is done only for political reasons, according to a recent video on the City of David. The video, produced by Fox News show host Pete Hegseth, is just a taste of what we will see in …

American Jewry

Jewish Voters Choose Biden Over Sanders

Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden

A new poll has Jewish voters preferring Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders for president in 2020. The Morning Consult survey has 47.1 percent of registered Jewish voters supporting Biden, with just 11.1 percent supporting Sanders. While it is interesting to some that Jews are not supporting the Jewish candidate (Sanders), it is more interesting to …

antisemitism, Israel, Quality of Jewish Life

What Kind of People Target a Kindergarten?

Sderot Kindergarten Operation Enduring Silence May 2019 Direct Hit

On Saturday, when the Jewish people of the Jewish State of Israel were celebrating the Sabbath, Hamas operatives sent hundreds of rockets into civilian Southern Israel, sending residents into shelters. A woman was killed, another injured. More have subsequently been killed as the rockets continue. But if you’ll excuse the expression, what really hit home …

American Jewry, antisemitism, Quality of Jewish Life

Lori Kaye Jumped In Front of Her Rabbi to Save Him

Lori Kaye

The news of the newest synagogue shooting in Poway, California, just six months after Tree of Life is more than shocking. We wonder what is happening to America, to our religious freedom and security. We felt safe. Now we do not. What will be? Only Hashem knows. John Earnest had evil on his mind as …

American Jewry, Israel, Liberal Jews

American Jews Ask Trump to Stop Bibi From Annexing Judea and Samaria


Nine Jewish organizations signed a letter asking President Trump to prevent Israel from annexing the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria. The organizations are Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Union for Reform Judaism, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, MERCAZ, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Anti-Defamation League, Ameinu, the National Council of Jewish Women and the …


Netanyahu: Palestinian State Won’t Be Created

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

In the run up to Israeli elections, held yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed there would be no uprooting of Jewish settlements and that a Palestinian state would not be created. These declarations took place during an interview of the Israeli premier with the Israeli Army Radio. Asked whether the White House knew of his plans, …


Ilhan Omar Says Israel is “Historic Homeland” of Palestinians

Palestinians protest in support of Ilhan Omar in Washington DC

Democratic Representative for Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, in an op-ed in the Washington Post, says of Israel, “We must acknowledge that this is also the historical homeland of Palestinians.” Someone ought to tell Ms. Omar that Jews lived in the Holy Land before there was an Arab people. The Jews lived in Israel, in fact, before …


New Documentary on American Nazism: A Night at the Garden

Night at the Garden (screenshot)

We like to think that America is the good guy in any fight. That’s why this new documentary, A Night at the Garden, is so chilling. The 7-minute clip shows Americans goose-stepping, cursing the Jews, and in general, celebrating the rise of Nazism to a backdrop of a larger than life George Washington, flanked by …