Category: Terror

Israel, Terror

World Reaction to Operation Breaking Dawn

Map showing 20 percent of IJ rockets fell short

Israel’s defensive war against Iranian proxy Islamic Jihad is now over. It is always instructive to see how the world reacts to a barrage of Gazan rockets on civilian Israel, in particular residents of the Gaza “Envelope.” Over a thousand rockets were launched by terrorists with the target, Israeli civilians, but the world called for …

American Jewry, Israel, Terror

Boost in PA Salary for Hebrew U Terrorists

Hebrew U bombing victims

Sunday was the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Frank Sinatra cafeteria at Hebrew University, which took nine lives, among them three American citizens, and wounding another 80. In “honor” of the terror attack, the Palestinian Authority has announced a 14.29% raise in salary for each of the four terrorists responsible for the gruesome …


Iran Caught Violating Nuclear Deal by Buying Illegal German Tech

signs iran germany

Iran has purchased illicit German tech that appears to violate the JCPOA. The details are contained in an annual security report issued by officials in Hamburg. The report states that the Islamic Republic of Iran bought illegal technology from a German-Iranian man to the tune of not quite 1 million euros. The German-Iranian man, referred …


A People that Celebrates Terrorists

Japanese terrorist Fusako Shigenobu

The so-called “Palestinian” people were out celebrating this week with the release of Fusako Shigenobu, whom they refer to as a “Japanese freedom fighter.” Shigenobu collaborated with the PFLP in the 1972 Lod Airport Massacre, which killed 26 and injured 80 more. Arrested in 2000 and subsequently imprisoned, the terrorist, who killed way more many …

Israel, Terror

Watchdog Demands State Department Disclose Names behind $1m Grant to Enemies of Israel

Department of State sign with logo

The State Department is being asked to disclose the names of those responsible for approving $1m in grant money along with the names of those who applied for it. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request comes from the America First Legal Foundation (AFLF), a watchdog group that investigates government wrongdoing. Biden’s administration is now …


US Threatens Iran with “Severe Consequences” if Americans Attacked

Qasem Soleimani prepared grave

The US warned Iran of severe consequences in the event of an attack on Americans, in a White House statement on Sunday from National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. The statement is a response to Tehran in reference to sanctions imposed by Iran on dozens of Americans, many of them US military, for the 2020 assassination, …

Israel, Terror

US Denies Israeli Heads-Up on Designating PFLP-Linked NGOs

pro PFLP demonstrators in Milan April 2021

Ned Price, at the US State Department, is insisting that Israel did not send advance warning before designating six NGOs as terrorist affiliates for their links to the PFLP. Meantime, the Israeli Foreign Ministry insists it did indeed warn the US State Department in advance of the designations. The six NGOs are Addameer, Al Haq, …

Israel, Quality of Jewish Life, Terror

New York Times Distorts Iraqi Jewish History

Mass grave of victims of the Farhud, 1941

A New York Times account of a Baghdad conference on peace between Israel and Iraq was filled with inaccuracies, to the point of offending Jewish history. The article describes the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 that led to a schism between Iraq and Iraqi Jews. The most infamous pogrom in Iraq targeting the Jewish …

Israel, Media Bias, Terror

The Media Gets the Story Wrong on Israel and Sheikh Jarrah—As Per Usual

Lynching Shaar Ariyot (Lion's Gate) 5.10.2021

The world is furious with Israel for Arab violence in Israel. And all of the talking heads and media outlets, are trumpeting the same erroneous talking points. Sheikh Jarrah is, in reality, the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood in north Jerusalem. This neighborhood is located near the Shimon Hatzadik Cave and the Nahalat Shimon neighborhood, settled by …