Large numbers of health care workers in California, Texas, Ohio, and New York City are refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, citing nervousness about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. They are also concerned about the way politics played a part in the development of the vaccine. Texas nurses say they are “vaccine …
Israel, UAE Working Together to Eliminate UNRWA
Israel and the United Arab Emirates are reportedly collaborating on putting an end, once and for all, to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). According to the report in French newspaper Le Monde, the two countries have been working on the issue since normalization between them was announced, back in August. The …
Ancient Lantern Found in Jerusalem—Right in Time for Chanuka
Chanuka is a time of light and miracles, so perhaps it should be no surprise that archaeologists just found a 2000-year-old lantern from the Hasmonean period in the City of David, in Jerusalem. The candle holder, preserved in its entirety, dates back to the Second Temple era. According to Israel Hayom, Antiquities Authority Director of …
Biden Tripped as He was Trying to Pull the Dog’s Tail
Biden’s fractured foot has been in the news, and the presumptive president elect offered up a few more details in a recent interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. Biden, it seems, had just gotten out of the shower when his dog came up to him, dropping a ball at his feet, wanting to play. “The little …
Old Joe, Poor Joe, Broke His Foot While Playing with His Dog
Joe Biden, presumptive president-elect, broke his foot while playing with his dog, add injury to insult. Why insult? Because it’s become a sport to make fun of Biden’s speech issues (which are legion, and which suggest brain injury and dementia), and broken foot is one more sign of frailty and aging. Compare this to the …
Tlaib, Lamont Hill, and Beinart in JVP Antisemitism Panel or: The Monkeys in Charge of the Zoo
Everyone already knows that the organization known as the Jewish Voice for Peace is neither Jewish nor a voice for peace. The name is a smokescreen for anti-Israel and antisemitic agitation for which this organization is (in)famous. But now, the JVP has topped even itself with an event featuring a panel on antisemitism led by …
Biden is Bad for Israel
Despite all the news outlets trying to find the positive for Israel in a Biden win, the truth is, a Biden presidency is a disaster for Israel, no matter how you cut it. Biden, first of all, is going to end the sanctions and reinstitute the JCPOA, though Iran’s main focus is developing nuclear weapons …
Trump Rules that Dual Citizens Born in Jerusalem can List Israel as Birth Country
Menachem Zivotofsky, age 18, just became the first U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem, to be permitted to list on his passport, his country of birth as “Israel.” So ends a lengthy saga that began when the young man was born, in 2002. Before this past Friday, American born in Jerusalem could not show Israel as …
Saeb Erekat’s Organs are Failing
Chief “Palestinian” Negotiator Saeb Erekat is on a ventilator in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and his organs are failing. He’s got COVID-19, and he’s got it bad. Erekat is a lung transplant recipient, so was especially vulnerable to a more serious case. The family has been called to say goodbye. Mature people can understand why …
San Diego Rabbi and Williamsburg Man Attacked in the Same Week
Tree of Life was a surprising attack, but now it seems Jews are attacked weekly, and sometimes daily. The latest antisemitic attacks are on a rabbi in San Diego, just outside his synagogue on October 10, and five days later, a man dressed in “Orthodox garb” in Williamsburg. It certainly isn’t helping the situation when …