
A Piece of Cloth and Bloody Hands

Joshua Malina

The keen divide between American Progressives and Conservatives may be no wider than that which exists between American Jews. Last week, in response to the apology issued by Camp Solomon Shechter for raising a PLO flag. Actor Joshua Malina penned an op-ed for the Jewish Journal and his “deep disappointment” for the apology and at …


Go Orthodox Young Man: American Jewry is Dying

American Jewry

A new study by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) suggests that non-Orthodox American Jewry is dying out. The reason? The current generation of non-Orthodox American Jews is not having children. Those who are, are having non-Jewish children, by dint of intermarriage. Here’s the breakdown: 15 percent of non-Orthodox Jews age 25-54 have a Jewish …


Who Are The Modern Orthodox Jewish Americans in the Pew Report?

An article by Ben Sales cites the 2013 Pew “Portrait of Jewish Americans” as saying that religion isn’t very important in their lives. How do we know these people are really modern orthodox? Because they said so. The same poll says that a quarter of modern orthodox Jews don’t light Sabbath candles. Could it be …