Israel, Terror

Does the Biden Administration Plan to Violate the Taylor Force Act?

Taylor Force

President Biden has pledged to restore aid to the PA as incentive to return to negotiations with Israel. A recent article by the American Center for Law and Justice (AJLC) suggests that such aid may violate the Taylor Force Act (TFA). This important article was co-written by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, JINSA and …

American Jewry, antisemitism

Instagram Star Harasses Jews in Michigan Kosher Grocery

Kosher Grocery Detroit Dulla Mulla Video screenshot

Abdullah “Dulla Mulla,” a Yemeni YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok star, visited a kosher grocery in a suburb of Detroit and badgered shoppers, sticking his phone in their faces and asking them to read what it says. The photo they were shown depicted a PA flag emblazoned with the words “Free Palestine.” Dulla Mulla recorded the reactions …

antisemitism, Israel, Terror

PA Says Israel Killing Prisoners with Coronavirus in “War Crime”

antisemitic cartoon by the Palestinian authority shows Israeli doctor infecting security prisoners with coronavirus

While the world continues to parrot the lie that Israel is refusing to vaccinate the citizens of the PA and those of Hamas-led Gaza, the PA is claiming that Israel is deliberately killing Arab prisoners with coronavirus. This egregious lie has appeared front and center in an official PA daily op-ed. The title of said …


When it Rains it Pours or Lies They Tell in Gaza

Municipal workers drain flood waters after storm

Israel saw heavy snow and rain this past week and that means heavy flooding in both Israel and Gaza. But every time it happens, Gaza authorities repeat the outrageous lie that Israel is opening dams for the express purpose of flooding Gazan agricultural land. There actually are no such water dams anywhere in the vicinity, …


Republican Leaders Speak Out Against Biden for Not Calling Netanyahu

Biden on Phone in Oval Office lifting hand weight

Republicans share the concerns of Israeli leaders regarding Biden’s snub to Netanyahu. Biden has called the leaders of China and Russia, but not Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in what many see as a slight to Israel. Biden has spoken with at least 10 world leaders during his first month in office, but not with …

Media Bias

President Biden Once Again Says He Was “Shot At.” He Wasn’t.

President Biden

Not for the first time, President Biden bragged he’d been shot at overseas, during an address to State Department employees on Thursday. “You have great personal courage,” said Biden. “I’ve been with some of you when we’ve been shot at,” claimed the president to an audience of diplomatic aides in Washington. While Biden didn’t offer …

American Jewry, Celebrity MOTs, Jewish pride, Orthodox celebrities

Rabbi Doctor Abraham Twerski, Dies age 90 of COVID-19

Rabbi Doctor Avraham Twerski

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski, who came from a long line of multiple Hasidic dynasties, has died, aged 90, of COVID-19. The famed Pittsburgh psychiatrist was considered a leading authority on addiction, and authored more than 60 books. Twerski, who never lost his strong Milwaukee accent, though he lived in Pittsburgh for many years, was …

Media Bias, Quality of Jewish Life

More than 78,000 Facebook and Instagram Users Permanently Banned

Facebook logo on handheld smartphone with banner reading censored

Facebook removed over 78,000 profiles on Facebook and Instagram, claiming they had shared QAnon content and other “militarized social movement” content, from August 2020 and onward. A Facebook update issued January 19 said as follows: “We continue to strengthen our enforcement by identifying additional militarized social movements, new terms associated with QAnon and how people …

antisemitism, Quality of Jewish Life

Polls Finds that Almost Half of All UK Adults Hold Antisemitic Views

sign: antisemitism in europe

A new poll just published, finds that 45% of adults in the United Kingdom hold antisemitic views. According to the Jewish Chronicle, “Forty-five percent of those questioned agreed with at least one of six antisemitic tropes that was put to them by a team from YouGov and King’s College London.” Respondents were asked if they …

American Jewry, antisemitism, Israel

A Jewish Child’s First Experience with Antisemitism

NEW YORK CITY - SEPTEMBER 17 2014: Occupy Wall Street marked the third anniversary of its founding as several dozen activists gathered in Zuccotti Park.David Smith with sign denouncing Jewish hegemony

A couple and their four young children, ages 1 to 8, were out together on the Upper West Side of New York, browsing the windows of a Barnes and Noble bookstore, just minding their own business, when they were confronted by an antisemite. Interestingly, the male half of the couple was the editor of the …