In a recent CNN debate between Palestinian Authority (PA) diplomat Saeb Erekat and MK Naftali Bennett, Christiane Amanpour appeared to be helping Erekat out by feeding him his lines. Amanpour suggested that President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was “music” to Bennett’s ears. Erekat then used the line as if it were indeed, …
Netanyahu Sets the Record Straight
Speaking to Fareed Zakaria in Davos, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke brilliantly, as per usual. Pressed to say that President Trump somehow stymied peace by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Netanyahu blew that myth right out of the water: “He did a great service for peace because peace can only be based on truth, on …
Israel Reports Rise in Global Antisemitism
Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennett presented his ministry’s report on global antisemitism. It seems that while antisemitism is on the rise, violent antisemitic incidents are down. In Bennett’s introduction to the report, he said: “The unequivocal growth in the anti-Semitic discourse is apparently due to two phenomena that we have witnessed over the …
Dire Predictions Fail, Guatemala Follows Suit
The mainstream media has been in an uproar since President Trump announced the U.S. Embassy would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But not everyone is listening. Guatemala, for instance. Guatemala is moving its embassy, too. So are another score or so of other countries considering the same. Maybe it’s time to stop tuning …
Jews Give More
Hanna Shaul Bar Nissim, writing for Salon, says that while just one in 50 Americans is Jewish, American Jews give more money as private individuals and also as a community. Bar Nissim studies community philanthropy. She’s trying to figure out why Jews play an outsized role in American philanthropy. The interesting thing is that these …
Reform Jews Don’t Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital?
President Trump made his daring pronouncement that Israel’s capital is its capital and while many were pleased in the Jewish community, the Reform Movement made a statement against the move. This was a real head scratcher. What? They don’t recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel??? And they’re JEWISH? Confusing. If we don’t have Jerusalem …
Chanuka, the Greeks, and American Jews
If Chanuka was all about remaining true to Torah Judaism and not giving in to secular Greek culture, how is it possible for the holiday to remain relevant to Jews in America, the majority of whom are not orthodox, and are unlikely to marry Jews? Chanuka must be more than the Jewish version of Christmas. …
Meghan Markel MOT? NOT.
Everyone is reporting a rumor that Meghan Markel, Prince Harry’s girlfriend, may be Jewish. There is, in fact, no truth to the rumor. Yet the story has been in Vanity Fair, Elle UK, Tablet, and the Daily Express. It is interesting that Jews are always wanting to know if other people are Jews. Why do …
New Fed Reserve Chair
You know how people say Jews control all the money? If you think that’s an antisemitic idea, take heart. There’s a new nominee for chairman of the Federal Reserve, and for the first time in a long time, the office will be held by a non-Jew. Alan Greenspan assumed office in 1987. He was succeeded …
Long Live (Jews in) Israel
Yet another reason American Jews might want to make Aliyah and move to Israel: they’ll live longer. According to the Jerusalem Post, a more healthy lifestyle, along with better education, better healthcare, and a healthier economy, has help to raise Israeli life expectancy by 10.3 years, from 1970-2015, from 71.8 to 82.1 years. How does …